Autoimmune and Chronic Conditions

Tired of that bloated feeling?        Exploring Leaky Gut Syndrome

Tired of that bloated feeling? Exploring Leaky Gut Syndrome

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky gut is a common term to explain a dysfunction of the gut wall. We want the lining of our intestines to be fairly water tight. However, over time due to internal and external stressors the lining of the wall can become thin and porous,...

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

What is MCAS? Mast cells are an important part of your immune system and help fight infection. They're found throughout your body, particularly in your bone marrow, which is where they are produced, and around blood vessels. Typically, mast cells will release chemical...

Effective Lyme Testing

Effective Lyme Testing

What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is called “The Great Imitator” because it causes symptoms that mimic other diseases, making it very difficult to diagnose. Infection occurs if you are bitten...